"M&A in Clinical Research: Success Factors and Regulatory Considerations”
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco and Dr. Darshan Kulkarni, Esq.
WCG Clinical Research Conference 2023; October 16, 2023 -
"Life Science Research Innovation Powered by Real-World Data"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Drug Information Association; Chicago, IL; 2022 -
"Predicting Polypharmacy-induced Aggregate Safety Risks in Real-World Populations"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
International Society of Pharmacovigilance Annual Conference; 2021 -
"Novel in silico Clinical Trial Methodology for New Molecular Entities"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Elsevier Webinar; 2021 -
"Predicting Real-World Population Polypharmacy-induced Risks for Novel Molecular Entities"
Co-author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Innovation Forum; 2021 -
"In silico Prediction of Polypharmacy-induced ADE, in Real-World Populations"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
World Drug Safety Congress Americas; Boston, MA; 2021 -
"New Medication Risk Score for Polypharmacy-induced Drug-Drug Interactions"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Elsevier Webinar; 2021 -
"A Novel Approach in Identifying Polypharmacy-induced Risks in Older Adults, and its Implications for New Molecular Entities”
Co-author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Seminar; 2021 -
"Improving Compliance Monitoring and Auditing"
Co-author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Attest Open Payments Webinar; 2016 -
"Detecting Physician Compensation Patterns and Fair Market Value"
Co-author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Attest Open Payments Webinar; 2016 -
"Detecting Potential Kickback Compensation Patterns"
Co-author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Attest Open Payments Webinar; 2016 -
"Verifying Physician Compensation Policies"
Co-author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Attest Open Payments Webinar; 2016 -
"Benchmarking and Ranking Physician Spend"
Co-author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Attest Open Payments Webinar; 2016 -
"Identify Influential Physicians and Key Opinion Leaders"
Co-author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Attest Open Payments Webinar; 2016 -
"Understanding the Competitive Brand Landscape"
Co-author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Attest Open Payments Webinar; 2016 -
"Detecting Potential 'Off-Label' Compensation Patterns"
Co-author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Attest Open Payments Webinar; 2016 -
"Demonstrating Compliance to the Department of Justice"
Workshop Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Life Sciences Investigation & Internal Audits Forum, eXL; Philadelphia, PA; 2015 -
"Open Payments Data – An Overview of the Data Opportunities and Challenges"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
University of the Sciences; 2013 -
"Clinical Trial Data Transparency"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS2013 Annual Conference); New Orleans, LA; 2013 -
"Global Physician Payment Sunshine Acts—An Overview of Country Statutes and Regulations"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
University of the Sciences; 2012 -
"Healthcare Consulting Forum"
Keynote Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Baltimore, MD; 2012 -
"Selecting High Performing Sites"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Clinical Trials Congress, IIR; Philadelphia, PA; 2009 -
"Factors Influencing the Speed of Clinical Trial Study Completion"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
DIA Annual Meeting; Atlanta, GA; 2007 -
"Improving Pharmaceutical Performance with Metrics"
Panelist and Keynote Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
6th Annual Pharmaceutical Performance Metrics Event; Cambridge, MA; 2007 -
"Using Dynamic Enrollment Management to Reduce Enrollment Cycle Time Variance"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Drug Information Association Webinar; 2007 -
"Clinical Trial Delays–Assuring Predictable and Timely Completion of Patient Enrollment"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Drug Information Association Webinar; 2006 -
"Entrepreneurial Success and Survival"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
bHive; Philadelphia, PA; 2000 -
"Extending PSTN Interconnection and Wholesale Billing for IP Services"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
IP/PSTN Service Convergence Conference, IIR; London, UK; 2000 -
"IP Interconnect"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Interconnection 2000 Seventh Annual Forum, IIR; London, UK; 2000 -
"Automating Interconnection in an Emerging & Global Marketplace"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
TeleManagement World; London, UK; 1999 -
"Examining the Commercial Opportunities and Challenges of Interconnecting with ISP's"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Technical and Commercial Strategies for Interconnection Conference, IIR; Victoria London, UK; 1999 -
"Annual High Yield Bond Conference"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Salomon Smith Barney; NYC, NY; 1998 -
"Emerging Technologies and Multimedia in Customer Service Design"
Chairman and Keynote Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
AiC Conferences; NYC, NY; 1996 -
"Broadband Distribution Strategies: An Economic and Competitive Analysis"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Telecommunications Seminar, Salomon Brothers Corporate Bond Research; NYC, NY; 1996 -
"Digital Visions–The Impact of Technology on the Broadcast & Cable Industry"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
SSPI International; NYC, NY; 1996 -
Chairman and Keynote Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
International Quality & Productivity Center; NYC, NY; 1995 -
"Customer Service Strategies"
Chairman and Keynote Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
AiC Conferences; NYC, NY; 1995 -
"Changes and Techniques in Satellite-based Video Distribution"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
SSPI International; Washington DC; 1995 -
"Developing 'Best in Class' Customer Service"
Author and Speaker: Jeffrey DiFrancesco
Price Waterhouse; NYC, NY; 1995